March 09, 2023

Menstrual Discs and Auto-dumping. The Pros and Cons

By Juzzi Jazzi
Menstrual Discs and Auto-dumping. The Pros and Cons



Menstrual discs are specifically designed and marketed to be worn for up to 12 hours and can be emptied and reused as needed throughout the menstrual cycle.

Auto-dumping refers to the spontaneous release of the contents of a menstrual disc without the need for manual removal by the wearer. This typically occurs when the disc reaches its full capacity, and the pressure exerted by the menstrual fluid pushes the disc out of the vaginal canal.

While some users find auto-dumping to be a convenient feature, others may prefer to manually remove and empty the disc to avoid the risk of accidental leakage or staining.

Auto-dumping offers both advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore some potential pros and cons:


  1. Convenience: Auto-dumping provides convenience for users who prefer not to interrupt their daily activities to remove and empty their menstrual disc.

  2. Reduced mess: Since the disc releases its contents before reaching maximum capacity, there is a reduced risk of accidental leakage or staining.

  3. Easier insertion: Some users find that the auto-dumping feature makes the insertion and removal process of the disc easier, as they don't have to worry about gripping and pulling a full disc.


  1. Lack of control: Auto-dumping can be unpredictable, especially for beginners, as users may not be able to anticipate when the disc will release its contents. This could potentially lead to unexpected leakage or discomfort.

  2. Difficulty monitoring flow: Without visual cues, it becomes more challenging for users to track their menstrual flow and make informed decisions about when to change the disc.

  3. Waste of product: In cases where the disc auto-dumps before reaching full capacity, some menstrual fluid may be wasted, which could be a concern for environmentally conscious users.

Ultimately, the decision on whether auto-dumping is a positive or negative feature depends on the preferences and needs of each individual user.

If you value convenience and are comfortable with auto-dumping, it is relatively easy to master the process and allow the disc to auto-dump as needed. In such cases, it can be a beneficial feature.

However, if you prefer more control over the timing of disc emptying or if you want to visually monitor your menstrual flow, you may choose to opt out of auto-dumping.

When selecting a menstrual disc, it is crucial to consider factors such as comfort, ease of use, reliability, and environmental impact. For recommended options, consider bohokiwi menstrual discs, available in small or regular sizes.

Remember, finding the right menstrual product is a personal choice, and it's important to select one that suits your individual needs and preferences.

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